

With the sharp increase in the volume of hazardous chemicals import and export business in recent years, the customs has constantly put forard higher requirements for the supervision of hazardous chemicals On the evening of June 26, 2024, Milkyay invited Mr Xin Jingzhen, deputy general manager of Milkyay Customs Business Department, as the keynote speaker to give a detailed interpretation of the import and export process and relevant las and regulations of dangerous goods and chemicals, and through the veo display of real cases, let us have a more prehensive and in-depth understanding of the import and export process of dangerous chemicals, so as to achieve efficient and pliant customs clearance operations


This live broadcast, hile understanding customs affairs knoledge, milkyays strong strength in the field of customs services also left a deep impression on everyone Milkyay has the qualification of self-care and agent customs declaration registration, AEO advanced certification enterprise qualification, and also serves as the specially invited trade style supervisor and the chairman unit of Shanghai customs declaration Association It has on the title of five-star enterprise ith declaration quality in Shanghai Customs District and national excellent customs declaration enterprise With 20 years of rich experience in declaration of dangerous goods and chemicals and senior business team, milkyay proves a full range of customs declaration services, including import and export customs clearance services under various trade modes, customs clearance of featured empty tank business, customs consulting and agent certificate services The product industries involved include chemicals, dangerous goods, daily chemicals, automotive industry, ne energy, semiconductors, red ine and vodka

Q packaging and the export electronic ledger need to be applied to the place of origin, but the imported products are from abroad, so the above problems have alays been the blocking point and pain 銀行百家樂point in the process of enterprise customs clearance It is suggested that enterprises should strengthen munication ith local customs, report the difficulties encountered in the production and operation activities of enterprises to the customs in time, and seek the support of the customs For hazardous chemicals that really need to be re exported, the information about the original import of goods, the current status of goods (packaging, quality), and the demands of enterprises can be fed back to the local customs, hich ill report to the superior functional departments one by one to obtain solutions


In addition to full customs duties, elfare is also essential The follo百家樂莊結機率ing is 線上娛樂城 百家樂the list of inners on the day of live broadcast

看看 Melissa 圈圈 a鄧鴻建 直銷雙氧水 氨水 SharonC


Dont ant to miss the onderful live broadcast? Pay attentio百家樂 如何 判斷 長龍n to milkyay satellite TV immediately, start the journey of knoledge exploration in the chemical logistics industry, in exclusive surprises and bee the next lucky person!


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